Tuesday Tunes – Poetry Through Music, #18, 2016

[Image from Pinterest] [Inspired by Ummet Ozcan’s “The Cube”:] Who are you, ghost, standing, staring, insubstantial arms crossed across your emaciated torso? Why are you, ghost, looking through me when it is you who is the opaque one? Unnerving to imagine being a mere medium in human form through which to view the world: a living lens. Why…

Sunday Sonnet (to Start the Week), #17, 2016

[Image from Pinterest] Sporadic-blooming amethysts among emerald leaves – all and everything growing, spreading forth with tendrils; creeping, sowing seed for next year’s rebirth.  This is Spring, young buds quickly becoming mature and lungs filled with fresher air, and pollen (mowing grass adding perfume also).  Bees flowing on unseen currents, bodies laden, hung with dusty…

A Poetic Continuance – Ornithological Chinwag

[Image from Animals Adda] “Blue tits,” said he, “are nesting there, just there you see.” She looked and saw but rust, what once was metal and now – apparently – a home, a nursery for common little birds who flit to and fro amidst the daily life of Man. “Ah, okay,” she replied softly, walking on….

Tuesday Tunes – Poetry Through Music, #17, 2016

[Image by Julien Oppenheim, sourced from Pinterest] [Inspired by Ane Brun’s “Do You Remember?”, discovered via Spotify’s “Coffee House Cool” playlist:] The close, draw of curtains across this act – not the play; life is long for the lucky. Dim of lights and the make-up becomes a weight against skin desperate to breathe, drenched in…

Sunday Sonnet (on a Monday, Alternatively Rhymed), #16, 2016

[Image from Pinterest] Skin chestnut from weekend sun, white become brown through vitamin warmth, a glow of health and peace of mind from pause, fraught brain undone, its knot untied to glide into a wealth of golden calm.  This, just from season – one, singular – under name of “Summer”, felt thus inside and without….

Tuesday Tunes – Poetry Through Music (Reversed), #16, 2016

[This week, the following scribbled verse was crafted before seeking an auditory influence from Paramore’s “Ignorance” (available from Spotify’s “The Rock Workout” playlist)…]  Alarm clock was her own heart pounding in her chest, muscles tight, ready to fight, take on the confrontation coming ever nearer as the seconds ticked by on the old clock standing sentinel in…